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Decrease Your Risk for Sleep Apnea in Topeka with Exercise

March 2, 2018

Filed under: Sleep Apnea — Tags: , , — docmichael @ 7:04 pm

Sleep apnea is a disorder that affects roughly 18 million Americans. The sleep condition causes numerous pauses in breathing several times throughout the night due to the passages in the airway collapsing, resulting in restricted oxygen levels. When left untreated, it can lead to potentially deadly complications as it increases your risk for cardiovascular disease and other health complications. While anyone can develop the condition, those who are obese or have excess body weight are as much as 40% more likely to develop the condition. Although you cannot fully prevent sleep apnea in Topeka, new research shows that lowering your risk may be as simple as exercising.


Improve Your Health this Year with Treatment for Sleep Apnea in Topeka

January 9, 2017

Filed under: Sleep Apnea — docmichael @ 6:01 pm

More than 25 million adults in the United States are diagnosed with a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. This condition causes numerous pauses in breathing while sleeping due to an obstruction in the airway. Each year, more than 200,000 new cases of the condition are diagnosed. However, it is estimated 80% of those with the disorder remain undiagnosed or untreated. The long-term implications of untreated sleep apnea will decrease your quality of life while also causing potentially deadly complications. If you have sleep apnea in Topeka or suspect you have the condition, regain control of your life and health in 2017 with the right treatment.


Symptoms of Sleep Apnea Topeka Patients Shouldn’t Ignore

September 30, 2016

Sleep apnea, the cessation of breathing for ten or more seconds at a time during sleep, is a common sleep disorder, but studies have revealed that many patients’ sleep apnea goes undiagnosed due to the lack of understanding of this disease and how it effects patients’ lives. As part of our ongoing dedication to helping patients achieve and maintain their optimal level of oral and overall health, we provide comfortable and effective oral appliance therapy for patients suffering from sleep apnea. However, we can’t help patients unless they know they have sleep apnea. Read this blog to find out some of the most common risk factors and warning signs of sleep apnea, and contact our office if you experience any combination of these symptoms. We review your case, and we partner with a local sleep physician to coordinate diagnosis and treatment.


Sleep Apnea: Risks and Treatment in Silver Lake, KS

October 27, 2015

There’s nothing better than waking up after a good night’s sleep, refreshed and ready for the day ahead. But when something interrupts your eight hours, you trudge through the day, irritable and overwhelmed by the simplest tasks. Over time, poor sleep can actually be deadly — did you know that sleepy adults are likelier to have fatal car crashes? Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that happens when breathing is interrupted during sleep, and unfortunately, it’s a condition that frequently goes undiagnosed. Learn more about the sleep apnea, its risks and treatment in Silver Lake today. Because knowledge is the first step to seeking a solution.


Get Your Rest with Sleep Apnea Therapy in Topeka, KS

December 10, 2014

Do you often feel tired or irritable during the day? Do the words, “stop snoring!” interrupt your sleep quite regularly during the night? All of these may be due to a condition called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea happens when you have a lapse in breathing during your sleep. These lapses may occur as many as 100 times in a night. Fortunately, there is treatment. Dr. Michael Michel of Michel Dentistry treats sleep apnea so patients in Topeka, KS, and the surrounding areas can enjoy quiet and restful nights.
The most common form of this ailment is obstructive airway sleep apnea. In this case, tissues relax while you are sleeping and may obstruct your breathing airway. Likewise, your tongue may fall back into your throat and block breathing. Snoring may also occur as breathing becomes strained and air tries to force its way through narrowed passageways. When this happens and your breathing is interrupted, your brain signals the body to awaken in order to restart breathing. If this occurs dozens of time each night, then you can surely understand why you may be sleepy and irritable during the day. Sleep apnea has also been connected with lower work productivity, automobile accidents and poor performance in school by children who have sleep apnea.

The Oasys Oral/Nasal Airway System™

Dr. Michel treats obstructive airway sleep apnea with an oral device called the Oasys Oral/Nasal Airway System. This FDA-approved snoring/sleep appliance combats snoring and sleep apnea in two ways:
• It repositions the lower jaw to open passageways and encourage optimal airflow, thus eliminating apnea episodes.
• Nasal passages are dilated to decrease airflow resistance and inhibit snoring.

Dr. Michel will specify your custom oral appliance to address your specific needs. Comfortably worn at night, the Oasys Oral/Nasal Airway System will have you sleeping peacefully and restfully night after night.

Schedule an Appointment Today
If you think that you or a loved one might have sleep apnea, then call the office of Dr. Michael Michel in Topeka, KS, for a consultation. We also conveniently serve patients in Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas.

Get a Better Night’s Sleep with the Help of Dr. Michel

April 24, 2014

There are very few things more frustrating than a bad night’s sleep. Sleeping gives your brain a chance to recharge and your body to rest, and when that is interrupted, it can be extremely disappointing.  Waking up groggy or irritable, louder-than-normal snoring, and sleepiness throughout the day are a only a few symptoms that you are suffering from sleep apnea. Luckily, Dr. Michael Michel is ready and able to help with your sleep apnea woes!

There are many things that can agitate sleep apnea, like smoking, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, and eating a large meal right before you go to bed. However, if you are able to identify a specific reason why you do not sleep well, you may have sleep apnea. The most common type of sleep apnea is OSA, or obstructive sleep apnea. This is where your breathing is compromised while you sleep. Your breathing pauses during the night for several seconds at a time, and can happen more than 25 times in a night! With this type of sleep apnea, the snoring one may experience can be quite excessive and boisterous. This causes severe exhaustion, high blood pressure, lack of concentration, and much more.

Dr. Michel helps his patients with their sleep apnea by offering his patients the Oasys Sleep Snoring Device. This FDA-approved appliance is able to help you get a better night’s rest in two ways. First, it repositions your jaw, propelling it forward as to open your airflow. Second, it will dilate your nasal passages, eliminating the airflow resistance and decrease the snoring. There are also things you can do to help with your sleep apnea, like going to bed at the same time every night, making the room as dark as possible, and exercising on a daily basis.

If you have any questions on how Dr. Michel can help with your sleep apnea, make an appointment at our Topeka, KS office, and we will be glad to help you get a full night’s rest!

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Sleep Apnea Treatments from Michel Dental

September 11, 2013

Does your partner or spouse complain frequently about your snoring? Do you feel tired no matter how much you sleep? These could be signs that you’re suffering from sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder. You may not have known this, but here at Michel Dental, we can provide treatment for sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a sleep breathing disorder in which your airway becomes blocked while you sleep and you stop breathing for seconds at a time, resulting in a loud snore or other disruptive noises as your breathing resumes. You won’t remember it, but each time this happens you momentarily wake up, resulting in restless sleep.

We will examine your airway and diagnose your condition either by having you attend a sleep study or using an Embletta take-home sleep test. Once you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, we will come up with a treatment for you. There s a variety of options available such as a CPAP machine or an oral appliance to help hold your jaws in place while you sleep to keep the airway open.

Sleep breathing disorders can have negative effects on your overall health. If you think you might be suffering from sleep apnea, it’s important to call our office today so we can work on diagnosing your condition. This is an important example of how oral health and full-body health are linked.

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Get Your Smile Ready for the Holidays with Dr. Michael E. Michel

October 31, 2012

Cracked a tooth on some Halloween candy? Lost your dentures while bobbing for apples? Just need a cleaning for that sweet tooth of yours? Dr. Michel can help, just in time for the holidays!

Get ready to smile again for all those pictures you’ll take with your family and friends. Greet your loved ones with confidence! Whether you want your teeth straightened or whitened, we can help. From porcelain veneers to crowns and fillings, eat that turkey and pumpkin pie with confidence and ease. If you have crooked or oddly-spaced teeth, you don’t have to wait a whole year with porcelain veneers. With only two or three appointments, you can be finished. Yes, it’s that easy.

If you’re interested in whitening, Dr. Michel offers two convenient options for patients: you can either have your procedure done in the office or you can take it home and do it yourself. Want fast results? Consider in-office teeth whitening. It only takes an hour and you can have your teeth looking close to ten times whiter than before. For patients who aren’t in a hurry or have experienced sensitivity in the past, consider our take-home whitening option. With take-home teeth whitening, you can use custom-made bleaching trays and professional bleaching gel. In only a few days, you can reach your goal of a brighter, cleaner smile!

And remember, Michel Dental can also help if you have sleep apnea or snoring issues. If you’re afraid your snoring will wake all the relatives up at your house, Dr. Michel can introduce you to the Oasys Sleep Snoring Device. Your custom-made Oasys Sleep Snoring Device repositions your lower jaw or your tongue to keep those airways open throughout the night. Say goodbye to snoring and breathing problems caused by sleep apnea. You, and everyone around you, will appreciate it.

Call Michel Dental today to find out how Dr. Michel and our team can help with your various needs. We specialize in cosmetic restorative and preventative dentistry, TMJ therapy, as well as endodontics and periodontics. We happily serve patients from Topeka, Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas.

Happy Holidays!

Effective Relief from Sleep Apnea and Snoring

July 31, 2012

Filed under: Sleep Apnea — Tags: , , , , , , , — tntadmin @ 7:16 am

Does snoring or sleep apnea keep you or your partner from enjoying a restful night of sleep? At Michel Dental, we hate to see any of our patients struggle with such a common but underdiagnosed problem. So to help our patients in the Topeka area overcome snoring and sleep apnea, Dr. Michel offers treatment with the patented Oasys Sleep Snoring Device.

You may be wondering, though, why—not to mention how—the Oasys Sleep Snoring Device treats sleep apnea and snoring?

The reason is simple: sleep apnea and snoring often go hand-in-hand. There are always exceptions, of course, but many cases of sleep apnea are caused by the blockage of important airways, whether by the tongue or the lower jaw. The snoring sound we’re all so familiar with is a secondary result of this blockage, after trouble breathing.

A custom-made Oasys Sleep Snoring Device works by repositioning the lower jaw or tongue to keep airways open throughout the night, putting a stop to both the snoring and the breathing problems caused by sleep apnea.

Have you previously been diagnosed with sleep apnea and are in need of treatment? Does your partner complain about your loud snoring? Call Michel Dental today to find out how Dr. Michel and our team can help. We gladly serve patients from Topeka, Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan and beyond.