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The Importance of Cleaning Your Tongue

July 21, 2014

With summer gripping us with its warm rays, many people are making an effort to look their absolute best for the summer season. There is no doubt you will be meeting many new people and reconnecting with old friends and family during the season, and many think it is important to have a perfect smile to greet them with! What many people may not realize is cleaning your tongue daily is just as important as brushing and flossing your teeth! Often left to fall to the wayside, the tongue holds a lot of bacteria that can cause many negative effects on your body. Cleaning your tongue daily can hold many benefits for your smile and the rest of your body, and the Dr. Michael Michel wants you to be as knowledgeable as possible regarding proper oral care!

One of the prominent reasons to clean your tongue is to be able to have fresher breath.  There are millions upon millions of bacteria that thrive on your tongue and, eventually, through your saliva, make their way throughout the rest of your mouth and body. Research shows that not cleaning your tongue can be the reason for 80 to 95% of halitosis (bad breath) cases. Another reason to clean your tongue every day is so you will be able to better taste your foods and drinks. Without all of the bacteria covering up the taste of your food, you will be able to fully enjoy and savor every bite and sip you take!

A very important reason to clean your tongue daily is to prevent the possibility of cardiovascular problems, infertility in men, and increased risk of diabetes. Your mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body, and when it is not taken care of, it can have brutal side effects. The bacteria that manifest on your tongue have also been linked to periodontal (gum) problems, such as tooth decay, recession of the gums, and tooth loss. In order to truly reap the benefits of having a beautiful, healthy smile, not just during summer but all year round, make an effort to clean your tongue every day, and you will not be let down!

Protect Your Smile with Porcelain Crowns!

July 7, 2014

With summer here, many people are making it a high priority making sure they look their absolute best. Whether it is visiting the gym more often or getting a haircut, people are making an effort in their appearance, knowing they will meet many new people and reconnect with old friends during the summer season. It can be very difficult living with a smile that you are unhappy with, leaving you to feel insecure and worried about how people may perceive you. Broken teeth can be displeasing to the eye, as well as result in declining oral health, and Dr. Michael Michel wants to make sure you have a smile that is complete, beautiful, and flawless by offering porcelain crowns to his patients.

If you have a broken or significantly damaged tooth, the entire Michel Dental team will be able to fix your smile with ease and comfort! A crown covers a broken tooth, and is also known as a dental cap because of the way it literally caps over the preexisting tooth structure. A crown is able to protect an already damaged tooth from any further harm, allowing the natural tooth to repair and be protected. The wonderful thing about your crown is the fact that it will match your natural tooth exactly. We are able to find the exact right shade of porcelain to match your natural tooth, so your smile looks natural and as organic as possible.

One of the great things about crowns is the fact that it does two jobs in one! Crowns are able to protect your teeth from wear and tear, while also making your smile look as natural as possible. Dr. Michael Michel, as well as the entire Michel Dental team, is here to make sure your smile is the best is has ever been, and we hope to deliver that to you! If you are curious as to how Dr. Michel can help protect your smile using crowns just in time for summer, make an appointment today!

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Find Relief in your Tooth Pain with Root Canal Therapy

June 19, 2014

Living in pain is never an easy thing, especially when it comes to your teeth. Tooth pain can be excruciating, and doing nothing about the pain will only make it worse. If you are suffering from an ongoing tooth ache, it is most likely because your tooth is infected. Left untreated, an infected tooth can wreak havoc on the rest of your smile, leaving you with a much more expensive and painful results down the road. Michel Dental understands the importance of making sure your smile is as health as it can be, which is why we offer root canal therapy to our patients!

A root canal needs to be performed when the tooth’s structure has been compromised. Perhaps due to a crack or a large cavity, the tooth’s inner structure has become infected with bacteria, causing you much pain and discomfort. Other things that can cause the need for root canal therapy are deep restorations and dental trauma.

We begin your root canal by focusing on the infected tooth and removing the harmful bacteria. The tooth’s pulp is removed, and then the tooth is filled. After that, a crown is usually placed at the top, protecting the tooth from further harm. At the end, you feel relieved and alleviated of pain!

If you are experiencing sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks, pain, swelling, throbbing, and a bad taste in your mouth, you may need a root canal. Make an appointment at our office, and we’ll be glad to help!

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Just How Important is Fluoride?

June 5, 2014

Though many people may not know this, fluoride is a key mineral that helps keep your teeth nice and strong. Especially important in children’s dentistry, fluoride treatments can begin a healthy foundation for your smile to thrive and take life’s knocks. In case you have forgotten, or do not know, about the many benefits fluoride can give, let Michel Dental inform you!

One of the benefits to fluoride is the fact that it naturally makes your teeth resistant to cavities. The mineral acts as a shield, not allowing harmful bacteria to ruin your smile. Fluoride also strengthens teeth, making them resilient to the end! Fluoride treatments are common practice in children’s dentistry, as studies show that children who receive them are 40% less likely to get cavities.

Another great way to get fluoride is through tap water, as well as certain toothpastes and mouthwashes. Fluoride is also beneficial to those who suffer from constant dry mouth, people with crowns and bridges, people with braces, gum disease, and those who have a history of having continual cavities. Everyone young and old and benefit from fluoride, and we encourage you to find a source! So, as you see, though fluoride may be in the back of some people’s minds, it really should be at the forefront. It’s a wonderful way to protect your teeth, keeping them beautiful and healthy for years to come! If you have any questions about fluoride treatments, call our office and we will be happy to help!

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

How Gum Disease Can Affect Your Heart

May 22, 2014

It is no surprise that something that affects one area of your body has the potential to affect another area. Though it may seem odd to some, our bodies are connected and weaved together, so our systems do not work independently of each other. This cause-and-effect relationship our body has can be wonderful, but depending on what is going on, it can also be detrimental. There have been many studies that support the idea that periodontal disease (gum disease) has been linked to heart disease, and the reasons how they are connected may surprise you.

Bacteria from the mouth can enter the blood stream, making a beeline for your heart. The bacteria in your mouth can be found in your arteries, slowly clogging them while simultaneously lessening the blood flow to your heart. Also, because your body is filled with natural defense mechanisms, such as swelling, the bacteria from your mouth has the possibility to cause your blood cells to sweet, narrowing an artery and increasing your risk of clots. With blockages such as these, it is not too difficult to connect the health of your mouth with the health of your heart.

One of the ways you can keep the bacteria in your mouth at a minimum is by flossing and brushing every day, preferably after every meal. The longer bacteria are able to sit in your mouth, the better the chance of it entering your bloodstream and making its way to your heart. With simple preventative measures, your mouth, as well as your heart, can be happy and healthy.

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

How Green Tea Can Protect Your Body

May 8, 2014

There are so many types of teas out there, the choices can be overwhelming! From black to white, ginger to spearmint, tea has been around for thousands of years, and has been proven to have many beneficial to the body in so many ways. One of the most beneficial teas the world has to offer is green tea. Being able to be a super food for many areas of your body, some people may not know about the amazing contributions a cup of green tea can make!
One of the amazing advantages to drinking green tea is the fact that it helps with your brain and your heart. Green tea is full of catechin, which are antioxidant that fight off, and have the ability to prevent, cell damage. Studies have proven that drinking green tea is directly linked to having a larger amount of activity in the working memory part of your brain. Also, drinking green tea has been shown to block the development of plaques that have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
For those with diabetes, green tea helps been the blood sugar level stable! If you are over worked and very stressed, green tea has an amino acid called theanine, something that can have a calming effect on people. For those trying to lose some weight, green tea can help increase your metabolism, helping you burn more fat calories! There are so many amazing advantages to having a cup of delicious green tea, and you should definitely experience it for yourself!
At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Foods and Drink That Can Damage Your Smile

April 30, 2014

The foods and drinks we put in our mouths play a much larger role in our overall oral health than what people may think. Certain foods and drinks can really cause an immeasurable amount of harm to your smile. Though some people may know what foods and drinks to avoid, others may be in the dark, continuously indulging in the foods and drinks that will, over time, ruin their smile. Being informed as to what to avoid is half the battle, and the people at Michel Dental want to keep you up to date as much as possible in order to protect your smile.

Some of the most harmful things people can consume is carbonated beverages and sports drinks. These types of beverages can contain high amounts of sugar which eats away at your tooth’s enamel. Sodas and other carbonated beverages have tooth-eroding acids, like phosphoric and citric acids, all leading to the demise of your smile. Also, excessive alcohol consumption is bad for your smile, as it causes dehydration in your body. Because you body will not produce the acceptable amount of saliva, your teeth and gums are more at risk of decay and disease.

Some harmful foods you should avoid are dry fruits and candy. Some examples of dry fruit include raisins, dates, and prunes, all of which have high amounts of sugar and loiter in your mouth for a long time, even after you have eaten it. Also, things like potato chips, ice creams, and other splurges can all be harmful to your overall oral care. Should you wish to partake in these sweet, salty, and bubbly treats, enjoy in moderation and always remember to brush your teeth afterward.

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Get a Better Night’s Sleep with the Help of Dr. Michel

April 24, 2014

There are very few things more frustrating than a bad night’s sleep. Sleeping gives your brain a chance to recharge and your body to rest, and when that is interrupted, it can be extremely disappointing.  Waking up groggy or irritable, louder-than-normal snoring, and sleepiness throughout the day are a only a few symptoms that you are suffering from sleep apnea. Luckily, Dr. Michael Michel is ready and able to help with your sleep apnea woes!

There are many things that can agitate sleep apnea, like smoking, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, and eating a large meal right before you go to bed. However, if you are able to identify a specific reason why you do not sleep well, you may have sleep apnea. The most common type of sleep apnea is OSA, or obstructive sleep apnea. This is where your breathing is compromised while you sleep. Your breathing pauses during the night for several seconds at a time, and can happen more than 25 times in a night! With this type of sleep apnea, the snoring one may experience can be quite excessive and boisterous. This causes severe exhaustion, high blood pressure, lack of concentration, and much more.

Dr. Michel helps his patients with their sleep apnea by offering his patients the Oasys Sleep Snoring Device. This FDA-approved appliance is able to help you get a better night’s rest in two ways. First, it repositions your jaw, propelling it forward as to open your airflow. Second, it will dilate your nasal passages, eliminating the airflow resistance and decrease the snoring. There are also things you can do to help with your sleep apnea, like going to bed at the same time every night, making the room as dark as possible, and exercising on a daily basis.

If you have any questions on how Dr. Michel can help with your sleep apnea, make an appointment at our Topeka, KS office, and we will be glad to help you get a full night’s rest!

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Are You Ready for Your Dental Checkup?

March 24, 2014

Just like your lawn needs mowing  and your car’s oil has to be changed, regular checkups and maintenance are keys to making sure that everything and anything operates smoothly. The same thing goes for your smile! It is important to have your regular dental checkups to make sure everything regarding your teeth, gums, and beyond work cohesively. If you are due for a dental checkup, Dr. Michael Michel is able to make sure your mouth is in great oral health!

The American Dental Association recommends you visit your dentist twice in a year to make sure everything with regard to your smile is healthy. During your checkup, Dr. Michel will be able to inspect every single tooth in your mouth, making sure there are no signs of decay or any other ailments. If we do happen to find a cavity or another form of decay, we will be able to fix them with tooth-colored fillings, making the repair as seamless as possible. Our talented and experienced hygienists will be able to remove tartar and plaque from your teeth, eliminating any sort of harmful bacteria there may be that will prevent you from having a flawless smile. At the end of your checkup, your mouth feels beautifully clean and your oral health is back on track!

If you are due for your dental checkup and would like Dr. Michel’s help, contact us today and make an appointment!

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Make Your Smile Perfect with Cosmetic Bonding!

March 10, 2014

Like everything in life, things are susceptible to wear and tear. Whether your favorite shirt gets a stain or your car’s tires need to be rotated, all things go through life’s little knocks, and it is important to make sure you take care of those things. Believe it or not, your smile is no different. A few chips here and a stain there can really start to take its toll on your smile, and you may think there is nothing you can do about it. Luckily, Dr. Michael Michel is able to give her patients a new smile with the help of cosmetic bonding.

Cosmetic bonding is simple yet highly effective, as it gives you the ability to have a seamless smile in nearly no time at all! Cosmetic bonding can help those who have misaligned, misshapen, chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth, making it one of the easiest and most convenient ways to transform your smile. It works by mixing a bonding liquid and a plastic resin, then placing it on your teeth. Once the bonding is set via a light, Dr. Michel will smooth and polish it to look like your natural tooth! At the end of the procedure, you are left with nothing but a flawless, beautiful smile!

One of the benefits to cosmetic bonding is the fact it can restore the confidence you may have lost feeling insecure about your smile. When you are not completely confident in your smile, you may find it hard to be around others or make a memorable first impression. With this simple procedure, you will be able to be secure in the fact that your smile is faultless, and you will never second guess yourself again! If you are interested in cosmetic bonding and how Dr. Michel is able to help, call our office and we will be more than happy to assist you!

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

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