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My Dental Bridge Fell Out! Now What?

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — docmichael @ 4:25 pm
Shocked woman covering her mouth after her dental bridge fell out

Dental bridges are a great solution to replace missing teeth so that no one can tell that anything’s out of place. They consist of several custom-fitted false teeth that are attached together and anchored to natural teeth on either side for stability. Dental bridges help those with missing teeth avoid embarrassment over any holes in their smiles.

But what do you do if you’re out and about, or in the middle of a meal, and your dental bridge falls out? You probably have a lot of questions. Is it a dental emergency that requires you to get to be seen right away? What next steps do you need to take? It’s not the first time a dental bridge has fallen out of someone’s mouth, and it won’t be the last! Keep reading to learn more about why this happens and what you can do.

What Should I Do If My Dental Bridge Falls Out?

The first thing to do is try to stay calm. You’re probably shocked and surprised to find that your restorative work has become dislodged, but try to keep cool. Whatever the reason it fell out, your dentist likely can remedy it, so there’s no need to panic.

Next, remember to keep your dental bridge so your dentist can repair or replace it if possible. It’s fine to tuck it into a Ziploc bag or other container and place it somewhere safe until your appointment.

What Causes Dental Bridges to Fall Out?

You might be wondering why this happened so you can avoid a repeat occurrence down the road. There are a few reasons this might have happened:

  1. Tooth decay. While dental bridges visibly cover your neighboring teeth, they don’t protect them from cavity-causing bacteria. That means the teeth supporting your bridge can suffer from decay. For this reason, it’s especially important to thoroughly clean both your bridge and any remaining teeth daily.
  2. Damaged abutment teeth. In many (but not all) cases, dental bridges are supported by natural teeth on either side, referred to as abutments. If they become decayed, or simply shorten over time with natural wear and tear, then your dental bridge has nothing to hold onto and can fall out.
  3. Irregular bite pattern. If your teeth aren’t aligning correctly when you chew, then you could be putting more pressure on one side of your dental bridge over the other. After a period of time, this repeated force can cause it to become displaced.

Whatever the reason, be sure to call your dentist as soon as you are able. At your appointment, they can evaluate the condition of your teeth to determine appropriate next steps. They might be able to repair or replace your dental bridge, though in some cases they may want to consider other replacement options. Either way, they can help you restore your smile to look perfect and whole once more!

About the Practice

At Michel Dental, all your oral care needs can be handled under one roof using state-of-the-art technology. With a focus on patient education, you’ll be an active participant in determining your own treatments so you can meet all your dental health goals.  With offices in two locations and extended hours, it’s easy to find time to get the care you need. If your dental bridge fell out and you need help, feel free to request an appointment on the website or call the nearest office at:

Michel Dental of Topeka: (785) 273-0801

Michel Dental of Silver Lake: (785) 582-0185

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