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Questions to ask in picking a Silver Lake family dentist

August 13, 2016

Are you looking for a new family dentist in the Silver Lake area? Of course, we recommend
Dr. Michael E. Michel as an outstanding dental care provider with the experience, skills and patient-centered philosophy to keep your family’s smiles healthy and vibrant.

But, don’t take our word for it. Inquire from friends and co-workers. Explore on-line reviews, and ask the right questions. Here are suggestions as you do this important “homework” for your family.


Questions to ask

What are the dentist’s qualifications? The local branch of the American Dental Association can provide you with a list of dentists in your area. Check websites, or inquire at the closest dental school regarding your prospective dentist’s undergraduate degree and dental school. Note training in specialties that your family may need–orthodontics or periodontal care, for instance.

The best dentists value continuing education to keep skills current and membership in professional associations to remain accountable to peers. Dr. Michel has become expert in TMJ (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) through his recent studies with Bio Research. He is an active member of the American Dental Association and the Kansas Dental Association.

What services does the dentist offer? The mainstay of a good Silver Lake dental office is preventive dentistry. Check-ups, cleanings, digital x-rays, oral cancer screenings, bite checks–these comprise the foundation of good family dentistry. Dr. Michel wants to see his patients every 6 months to avoid expensive and health-compromising dental issues.

Additionally, the right Silver Lake dentist offers restorative and cosmetic treatments to repair problems and to create great looking smiles. If your child or teen needs braces, ask your prospective dentist if orthodontics are part of his or her practice. Dr. MIchel offers Invisalign clear aligners. If you require tooth replacement, does he or she deliver dental implants, crown and bridge, and tooth-colored fillings? The senior adult may be interested in modern dentures.

How does the dentist handle emergency care? You know something unexpected is bound to happen, particularly if you have children. A knocked out tooth, a lost filling, a throbbing toothache–your family needs quick and correct direction when problems arise. Your Silver Lake dentist should be available for advice and same day appointments.

How will you afford dental care? Inquire about what dental insurance your provider accepts. Does the office offer payment plans such as Care Credit? A caring dentist should work with families on a budget so they get the services they need.

Is the office convenient to your home? You shouldn’t have to drive 50 miles to the dentist. Michel Dental offers 2 locations–one in Topeka and one in Silver Lake with hours workable for busy families.

Do you feel at home? Your prospective Silver Lake family dentist should create a warm, welcoming atmosphere centered on the individual–no matter the age. Ask if you can come in for an office tour and meet the staff.

Openness is a great recommendation

If a Silver Lake dentist is open to answering your questions, he or she may be the doctor for your family. So, do your homework, and contact Michel Dental for a visit.

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